Community safety and engagement

Protecting Lives and Property in the Wildland–Urban Interface: Communities in Montana and Southern California Adopt Australian Paradigm

R. W. Mutch, Rogers, M. J., Stephens, S. L., and A. Gill, M., Protecting Lives and Property in the Wildland–Urban Interface: Communities in Montana and Southern California Adopt Australian Paradigm, Fire Technology, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 357 - 377, 2011.

New Zealand Seasonal Wildfire Assessment

Fire Note 72: The New Zealand seasonal wildfire assessment is out for summer 2010/2011.

In a first, the Bushfire CRC in association with New Zealand agencies organised a New Zealand Seasonal Wildfire Assessment Workshop, held in Christchurch on Thursday 7 December 2010. This was similar to the Australian seasonal workshops that have been held annually since 2006 and like the Australian workshops, led to the production of this Fire Note – New Zealand Seasonal Wildfire Assessment 2010-11.


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