Global connections, new thinking and benefits for all

Created date

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - 11:10pm

The Bushfire CRC has been about learning and sharing, and this applies not just to research and science, but experiences too. Continuing the international collaborations established over the last decade is a visit in early May by American and French fire and risk managers.

Tom Harbour, US Forest Service National Director of Fire and Aviation Management, and Jean-Michel Dumaz, Director General Pôle Risques (a French risk management research organisation), will take part in an international symposium on fire management in Canberra, as well as meet with fire and land managers in other states. This is a great opportunity for Australia to continue to learn from the experiences of others. We all face similar issues and these global connections impart new thinking and provide mutual benefits for all.

The Bushfire CRC has established Memoranda of Understanding with these organisations and will be introducing them to the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, aiming to continue these important relationships. These opportunities reinforce the global recognition that the Bushfire CRC has been the leading fire and emergency management research organisation in Australasia for a number of years, as well as emphasising the Bushfire CRC’s significant global leadership role in promoting sound fire management based on scientific research. It is anticipated the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC will continue in this space, expanding into other hazards.

On a separate note, I am looking forward to the upcoming research to drive change forums taking place in the coming months. Our partners have invested significantly in research by the Bushfire CRC, and this series of online events will ensure a broad awareness of the research within partner agencies and provoke thinking about how to utilise the research findings. I am confident you will learn much from these events.

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