RAF coming up

Created date

Friday, September 30, 2011 - 9:20pm

The annual conference is only just over but we are now in the final stages of planning the Research Advisory Forum, in Canberra at the end of October.  At this twice yearly event representatives of all stakeholders discuss progress reports on the research and, for this time only, have the opportunity to visit the CSIRO Pyrotron.

It is hard to believe the Bushfire CRC extension research program is now into its second year.  As many would have seen in the posters and presentations at the recent AFAC/Bushfire CRC conference the projects are now well into ‘research mode’ with most projects that were looking for new staff having made these appointments and with the initial planning and settling in phase completed. 

A number of projects have completed literature reviews that capture the state of knowledge in the particular area or discipline.  These literature reviews will be circulated to selected end users for comment/feedback before they are finalised and made more broadly available and we sincerely thank those who review these documents as this is an important part of ensuring relevance and readability.  The next step in the research process is the data collection or case study phase and many of the projects are well into this activity.  We thank the agencies for working with the researchers on these activities.  This support is important to ensure local involvement.