Progress made in utilisation

Created date

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - 9:16pm

A recent survey of end users indicates that we have made significant progress in Research Utilisation since 2010. Feedback from end users highlights they are satisfied with the collaboration opportunities, information products and the interactive events offered by the Bushfire CRC. These survey findings are documented in the Research Utilisation Consultation report, undertaken in December 2012.

However, there is still work to do. The Research Utilisation Strategy has been revised, placing more emphasis on helping to build research utilisation capacity within end user partner agencies. This will be achieved by a range of measures, including providing professional development in how to run events for utilisation purposes and encouraging and supporting the development, writing and sharing of case studies demonstrating research impacts. In the longer term there will be support for embedding research into training and professional development as well as exploration of other capability development opportunities.

In response to end user demand, there will be a continued focus on user-friendly information products, particularly Fire Notes.

Our views: Opinions, perspectives and insights

Noreen Krusel's picture
Research Utilisation Manager