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Journal Article
S. Cowlishaw, Evans, L., and McLennan, J., Work-family conflict and crossover in volunteer emergency service workers, Work & Stress, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 342 - 358, 2010.
S. Cowlishaw, McLennan, J., and Evans, L., Volunteer firefighting and family life: An organisational perspective on conflict between volunteer and family roles, Australian Journal on Volunteering , vol. 13, pp. 21-31, 2008.
J. McLennan, Birch, A., Cowlishaw, S., and Suss, J., Save that brigade! Recruiting and retaining fire service volunteers to protect your community, vol. pp. 158-168, 2008.
J. McLennan, Birch, A., Beatson, R., and Cowlishaw, S., Recruiting and retaining Australia's women volunteer firefighters: Some research evidence., Australian Journal on Volunteering , pp. 59-69, 2007.
J. McLennan, Cowlishaw, S., Paton, D., Beatson, R., and Elliott, G., Predictors of south-eastern Australian householders’ strengths of intentions to self-evacuate if a wildfire threatens: two theoretical models, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 1176-1188, 2014.
J. McLennan, Birch, A., Cowlishaw, S., and Hayes, P., Maintaining Volunteer Firefighter Numbers:Adding value to the retention coin, Australaian Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 24, 22, 2009.
S. Cowlishaw, Evans, L., and McLennan, J., Impacts of emergency service volunteering on family members and relationships: Integrating work-family conflict and crossover models in the volunteer emergency services, 2009.
L. Evans, Cowlishaw, S., and Hopwood, M., Family functioning predicts outcomes for veterans in treatment for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder., Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 531 - 539, 2009.
S. Cowlishaw, Evans, L., and McLennan, J., Families of rural volunteer firefighters, Rural Society, pp. 17-25, 2008.
J. McLennan, Birch, A., Beatson, R., and Cowlishaw, S., Factors impacting on recruiting and retaining Australia's volunteer firefighters: Some reseach evidence, Australian Journal on Volunteering, vol. 12, 2007.
S. Cowlishaw, Evans, L., and McLennan, J., The balance between volunteer work and family roles: Testing a theoretical model of work-family conflict in the volunteer emergency services, Australian Journal of Psychology, 2009.
Conference Proceedings
J. McLennan, Birch, A., Beatson, R., and Cowlishaw, S., Volunteer firefighting: A job for a woman?, 7th APS - Industrial / Organisational Psychology. Adelaide, 2007.